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Dan Poch

LAIB- Language and International Business is a very useful and versatile degree. It is, in a nutshell, a a degree that teaches students how to operate in the world of business as well as teaching them to be fluent in another language. This major also instructs students how to utilize their new language in the workplace and make themselves more employable as a result.
Language Oriented Instructions Spanish
2010: Intermediate Spanish This class consisted of basic intermediate coursework that is supposed to build off the Spanish class in the 1000’s. The class instruction had a mixture of Spanish of English being spoken. There was a heavy emphasis placed on grammar writing composition. Spanish
2020: Intermediate Spanish This course was a continuation of Spanish 2010. The class had a higher concentration of Spanish spoken by the instructor than the last. This class also had a lot of concentration around reading and writing composition as well.
Spanish 3020: Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition This class had an intensive study about Spanish structure, verbs, idioms, and vocabulary through compositions and essays. Instruction was led at a much faster pace.
Spanish 3999: Spanish Conversation- Instruction in University of Alicante This highly intensive class taught in Spain was a class centered entirely around speaking Spanish. This course was focused completely on improving verbal communication in Spanish through maintaining complex and advanced conversations around whatever came up in class.
Spanish 4999: Advanced Spanish 1- Instruction in University of Alicante The curriculum for this course focused much more on the grammar and sentence structure in Spanish. This class was taught entirely in Spanish. Conversations were held, but mostly the class followed a lecture type format.
Spanish 3070: Modern Spanish History- Instruction in University of Alicante This class like the rest of the courses taken in Spain was taught completely in Spanish. The instruction focused on the history of Spain from the Napoleonic Era till the end of Francisco Franco’s rule. The class was centered around Spanish history.
Spanish Composition 2- Instruction in University of Alicante. This class, instructed entirely in Spanish, focused a lot on reading books in Spanish. Following up after reading the books, the class was focused on writing compositions in Spanish reflecting their thoughts on said novels. The novels read were written by Spanish authors.
Spanish 3160- Spanish for International Business I (in progress) Class centered around developing a basic understanding of the business practices and ideologies in Hispanic countries. The class also focuses on learning how to start or conduct business in Hispanic countries.
Spanish 4160- Spanish for International Business II (in progress) Instruction delves deeper into the world of business from Spanish for International Business I. Building off the skills from that class, students gain a greater understanding of doing business in Latin America and Spain.
Business Courses
ACCT 2010- Principles to Accounting This class gives a basic introduction to the basics of accounting to the students. In this class, there is heavy emphasis on financial data use and analysis of financial statements. Students learn about the basic terms, fill out a balance sheet and the basic laws that regulate the business.
Mgt 2010- Principles of Management Gives a basic overview of management. To be more specific management’s role as a factor of economic production. Functions of management, principles of organization, and behavior in organizations.
Econ 2120- Principles of Macroeconomics (Course taken at Tri County Tech.) Presents the student with a basic understanding of macroeconomics and how to apply it to everyday problems. Introduces basic macroeconomic theory and basic analytical sense to the course.
Econ 3140- Intermediate Microeconomics Analytical study of basic concepts of value and distribution under alternative market conditions. It is a very intense program with quizzes every class three days a week. No graded homework but a lot emphasis on explaining economic concepts.
Econ 3020- Money and Banking This class considers the function of money and banking in both the product and financial markets. Special emphasis is placed on monetary theory and current problems of monetary policy. Gives an overall clearer understanding of how money works and what the concept of it is. Econ
Econ 3150- Intermediate Macroeconomics- Class focused on teaching the macro side of economics with a heavy use of math and charting to solve problems in the course. Addresses public policies addressing the issues of inflation as well as stagflation. Heavy use of the Sowell model.
Mkt 3010- Principles of Marketing Principles and concepts involved in planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing of goods and services. Provides the students with a solid marketing base through various real-world examples presented in class and in the textbook.
Mkt 3020- Consumer Behavior Examination of selected individual and group behavioral science concepts and their application to the understanding of consumer decision making. Introduces to the student the various demographics in the United States and explains how to take advantage of the knowledge explained in the world of marketing.
Econ 3100- International Economics This course studies the process of international commerce. Covers basic theory of trade and exchange rates, institutional and legal environment, current policy issues. Also explains the different economic environments of different countries and how they compare to the United States.
Econ 3190- Environmental Economics This class goes in depth on how to measure the damage that certain human activities have on the environment. The course also explains functions and equations to figure out at what point the environment is being polluted beyond the point of it making sense monetarily.
Mkt 4270- International Marketing (in progress) This course focuses on marketing from the international point of view. Emphasis is placed on the necessary modification of marketing thinking and practice for foreign markets due to individual environmental differences. Students participate by doing in class activities and projects.
MGT 4230- International Management (in progress) Class that focuses on the geopolitical landscape of the current world and the past. Also, a heavy emphasis on the differences in cultures throughout the planet and how we as future businesspeople should adapt to them.
Other Major Related Courses
Hist 1010- US History Basic study on American history to refresh college students about their nation's heritage. The dates covered were from the days of the Indians/Native Americans up until WWII.
ASTR 1010- Solar Astronomy Gives a thorough instruction on astronomy and how it affects the world today and in the past. Students receive a wealth of knowledge about all of the planets in the solar system as well as other objects such as meteorites and the various meteor belts.
English 1010- English Composition Training in correct and effective expression in brief expository essays; review of the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation; instruction in common expository methods.
GEOG 1030- World Regional Geography This instruction went deep into explaining world geography and gave a thorough understanding of maps. The class also delved into the current geopolitical landscape and discussed many current events.
Hist 1070- The West and the World (Course taken at Tri County) Informs the student on Western Europe and how it has changed the rest of the world as we know it. The class periods took place about between the mid 1600’s and the late 1800’s. The course gives the student a better understanding of how the world today has been influenced by western Europe during this period.
CPSC 1200- Introduction to Software Thorough introduction into basic computer skills by covering the three most important topics on Microsoft office 365. The use of word, PowerPoint and especially excel were utilized very heavily in the instruction.
LAIB 1270- Into to Language and International Business This class presents the students with an introduction to the nature of international trade and related career opportunities. Information and applications of specific relevance to tourism, agriculture, and textile industries are offered. This class supported students by providing information on how to set up LinkedIn accounts.
ENSP 2000- Intro to Environmental Science This class teaches principles of environmental science, including ecology, energy, resources, waste management, and air, water, and soil pollution. There is a great emphasis placed on understanding this topic by researching real world issues that currently affect the environment.
COMM 2500- Public Speaking (Course taken at Tri County) Gives thorough instruction of public speaking to students through having them say speeches in a variety of different environments and conditions to turn the student into a well-rounded speaker ready for any occasion that arises.
Math 2070- Business Calculus I (Course taught at Tri County) Introduction to calculus explaining the basic functions of math. Taught through instruction in the classroom and tested through a lot of homework. The problems were based around situations that would arise for businesspeople.
Math 2080- Business Calculus II An extension of business calc 1 with less stress put on the homework side but a lot more attention to detail in the classroom. Furthermore, in-depth explanations about how business calculus is useful in the business world.
English 3040- Business Writing (Course in progress) This course went into detail on how to write professionally and sensibly in the world of business. It is also developing our skills on how to properly apply to desired positions in the workforce, and how to speak in interviews.
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