Dan Poch

This summer I had the pleasure of working with UpTime Charger, a new company that specializes in installing and maintaining electric vehicle chargers throughout the United States. This experience has given me a very strong foundation to operate in the world of business once I graduate. I can’t wait to utilize the skills from UpTime to whatever comes next!
Este verano trabaje con la nueva empresa UpTime Charger. Es una compañÃa de la industria VehÃculo Eléctrico. Nuestra organización especializa en tres campos: installar cargadores de vehÃculos eléctricos, mantenemos cargadores de vehÃculos eléctricos, y mantenemos flotas de vehÃculos eléctricos. Obviamente puede ver el ritmo. Me encantó trabajar con mi empresa. Mis compañeros fueron muy amables todos los dÃas. Nuestra visión es llegar a ser la empresa más confiable en cada región en que estamos ubicado. Con el equipo que tenemos, yo sé que dominaremos la industria pronto. Los jefes son innovadores y pueden ver futuro años en avance. Por eso estoy seguro que vamos a tener éxito. No hay ninguna meta que existe ahora que es inalcanzable.
This summer I worked with the startup UpTime Charger. It is a company in the Electric Vehicle industry. Our organization specializes in three fields: installing electric vehicle chargers, maintaining electric vehicle chargers, and maintaining electric vehicle fleets. He can see the rhythm. I loved working with my company. My companions were very friendly every dayamiable. Our vision is to become the most trusted company in every region in which we are friendly every day. Our vision is to become the most trusted company in every region in which we are located. With the team we have, I know we will dominate the industry soon. Bosses are innovative and can see future years ahead. That's why I'm sure we're going to succeed. There is no goal that exists now that is unattainable.